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Recap 2024

Third year of Reacp. This time Recap includes six different images per account: ARAM, SoloQ, FlexQ, Arena, Normal and all of them together.

Available since 1st of December 2024 until the end of January 2025.

Like previous years, there is a queue system to calculate the data, downloading games from Riot API and processing them. This year, the queue system is more efficient and faster, with a bigger rate limit, I can fetch up to 19200 games per minute. But this year, I fetch all match, not ARAM only, so it might take a little bit longer.



You need to be registered in LoboBot to make a Recap. Navigate to, add your account and wait the queue.

If there is a large queue, I recomend you to wait a bit, you can come later and see how fast is the queue moving.

If you want to skip the queue, you can donate to LoboBot and get a priority queue, which will be processed first. Also you can generate Recaps for up to 3 accounts.


Every 20 seconds, LoboBot process 4 accounts per cluster (europe, americas, asia and sea) due to the rate limit of Riot API. The process is set to use up to 80% of the rate limit per region, so it can fetch up to 19200 games per minute for all clusters.

After your recap is processed, you will see all the Recap Types, you have to click one by one to generate the images.

If a recap says "Not enough matches", it means that the account has not enough games to generate the recap, the minimum is 10 games Recap type.


As I don't have every game stored in my database (like geozukunft), Riot API only allows me to fetch the last 1000 games per account, so if you have more than 1000 games played this year, I will only fetch the last 1000 games.

Not many people plays more than 1000 games per year, so it's not a big limitation but it some cases it might be and some months might be missing.

Shiny probabilities

Every time a Recap is calculated (for every recap type), a dice is rolled to determine if the image will be shiny or not. The probabilities are 1/4096 for each image, so if you can calculate the six images, the probability of getting at least one shiny is 1/683.

A shiny Recap is just the same as a normal Recap, but with a shiny background and a red star at the top right corner.

Known issues

  • Snowballs and Snowball hit rate: There is a known issue with snowballs from Riot API. Snowball casts and recasts are counted as a spell cast. Apart from that, I tested my self in a game, casting a snowball, then recasting and Riot API counted 3 times xD. So the snowball hit rate might be a little bit wrong.

  • Challenges as Rank #1, 0%: There is a known issue with challenges, as the rank #1 challenge, it's not working properly, sometimes Riot gives the wrong data and it is a known issue for them.



These are just examples, it might change over the Recap period.











